Learning and Teaching Experience

I had the orientation of teaching practice with PSU on March 18th, 2022. The orientation went smoothly. We got an explanation about the program that we will live for two months. I met the coordinator from PSU as well as Indonesian students from Ganesha University of Education and Sriwijaya University who are also undergoing the same program.

Meet The Supervisor And Cooperating Teacher
On the same day, we met our supervisor, Ma'am Hazel. We were also introduced to students from PSU where Ma'am Hazel provided information about teaching partners and co-buddies during this program. Most importantly, Ma'am Hazel also provided information about the teaching schedule.

About Lesson Plan
On March 29, 2022, Ma'am Hazel held a meeting. At the meeting, Ma'am Hazel presented the lesson plan format used by the Philippines and how to prepare a good lesson plan according to standards.

We are given a few weeks to do class observations, where we are allowed to take lessons in the class. It aims to give us an idea of the students we will teach and the learning environment we will face.

Preparation In Teaching Grade 6 (Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives)
I and my teaching partner named Ma'am Abigail discussed the material and lesson plans, power points, and the division of parts that we will use in the learning process. We also do a rehearsal for our demo teaching. Ma'am Abigail also told me about many things, especially about how the students I would teach and what I should do. We also exchange experiences, especially teaching experience, I learned a lot from Ma'am Abigail.Text

Preparation In Teaching Grade 4 (Pronouns)
My partner in the second teaching demo was Sir Fidel. After the lesson plan and PowerPoint were made, we decided to do a rehearsal, but there were a few funny things. I think I still have two days before demo teaching, but I misread the schedule so we can only do one-time preparation. Unfortunately, I forgot to document the rehearsal session

Preparation In Teaching Grade 6 (adverb of frequency)
This is the second time I will teach grade 6. I am paired with Sir John Christopher who is also my co-buddies. After the lesson plan and PowerPoint are finished, they are summed up to Ma'am Hazel. We do a rehearsal for our demo teaching. We also chatted quite a lot about our experiences and the activities we participate in on our campus, it was very fun.

Preparation In Teaching Grade 5 (Degrees of Adjectives)
Actually, my partner to teach grade 5 is Ma'am Maricar. However, I couldn't do it on the right date because it coincided with the moment of Eid al-Fitr. Finally, I asked for a schedule change. After the new schedule was given, I also got a new partner, Ma'am Rowella. This is my grand demo teaching, I will use the same lesson plan as Ma'am Maricar because the lesson plan has been accepted. I remade the PowerPoint and did a rehearsal with Ma'am Roowella and Ma'am Maricar. We could only do it once due to time constraints, but everything went smoothly.

First Teaching (Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives)
On 6 April 2022 Ma'am Abigail and I did our demo teaching and this is my first demo teaching. It was quite a pressure because the first time I directly taught grade 6, I tried to manage myself to deal with nervousness, and thank God everything went smoothly. Grade 6 Magalang, all actively participate so that the class atmosphere is very lively.

Second Teaching (Pronouns)
On 12 April 2022, I did my second demo teaching with Sir Fidel. Surprisingly Grade 4 is very active in learning. They always try to be on camera and every time they are asked a question, they compete to show the virtual hand to raise questions. It was so much fun and their enthusiasm was amazing.

Teaching Interns Mid-Conference 2022
This conference was attended by all parties involved in teaching interns, students from PSU, and students from Indonesia. The event discussed all things related to the teaching intern program. We from Indonesia are also given the opportunity to share stories while we teach.

Third Teaching (Adverb of Frequency)
Wednesday 27 April 2022 This is the second time I teach grade 6, I am not too nervous because I can imagine how they actively participate in learning. Sir John Christopher and I delivered our learning material smoothly, the discussion went smoothly, and I love it.

Fourth Teaching / Grand Demo Teaching (Degrees of Adjectives)
Thursday, May 12, 2022, is the day where I carry out my grand demo teaching, which means I will handle the learning myself. It's a challenge and I have to give my best. I teach grade 5 and this is my first time teaching grade 5. They are a bit shy so only a few students take an active role in the class, but I still try to invite them all to be active by calling students who are not open to the camera to participate in the class. Thank God, everything went smoothly, and everything went well.